Distance driven
41,718 km
Total filled up
3,320.21 L

8.95  L/100km
40.79 L
456 km
8.16  L/100km
39.75 L
487 km
8.38  L/100km
41.40 L
494 km
7.24  L/100km
42.59 L
588 km
8.03  L/100km
26.17 L
326 km
Maintenance & Care - Body
Задна броня боя 50% - Рокендрол сервиз
7.88  L/100km
40.36 L
512 km
6.96  L/100km
23.87 L
343 km
6.82  L/100km
34.25 L
502 km
8.16  L/100km
34.92 L
428 km
Maintenance & Care - Body
7.53  L/100km
40.35 L
536 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Maintenance & Care - Fuel additives
добавка двигател Like Molly
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
7.50  L/100km
39.60 L
528 km
8.62  L/100km
39.31 L
456 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Maintenance & Care - Electronics
Спрей почистване на въздушен сензор
Maintenance & Care - Electronics
Акумулатор Gigawat
8.25  L/100km
40.41 L
490 km
Maintenance & Care - Coolant
долината зелен
Maintenance & Care - Oils
смяна 25лв.+ 5л.
8.20  L/100km
17.13 L
209 km
Showing 26-50 of 168 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel €4,285.61 29.71%
Initial purchase €6,169.81 42.78%
Maintenance & Care €1,346.86 9.34%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees €2,620.97 18.17%
Distance driven
41,718 km
Total filled up
3,320.21 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Economic 8.38 L/100km 1,953 km 163.57 L
Normal 7.95 L/100km 35,923 km 2,854.22 L
Dynamic 7.87 L/100km 3,842 km 302.42 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 7.67 L/100km 25,951 km 1,989.96 L
Winter 8.44 L/100km 15,767 km 1,330.25 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 7.64 L/100km 6,408 km 489.29 L
Urban 8.02 L/100km 30,041 km 2,408.38 L
Country roads 7.79 L/100km 3,790 km 295.22 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 7.95 L/100km 16,458 km 1,307.87 L
Trailer 7.53 L/100km 480 km 36.16 L
Roof storage 8.41 L/100km 3,560 km 299.55 L