Distance driven
18,855 km
Total filled up
1,986.67 L
Distance driven
13,057 km
Total filled up
231.80 L

Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Магистрална такса Карловац - Загреб
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Магистрална такса Караматици - Задар Изток
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Магистрална такса Задар Запад - Горна Плоца
9.72  L/100km
7.00 L
72 km
5.00 L
40.00 L
Maintenance & Care - Engine
Смяна на лабда сонда Диагностика на комп. газова уредба Диагностика и настройка на ламбда сонда
Maintenance & Care - Engine
Смяна 2 дюзи + филтри на газова уредба
Maintenance & Care - Suspension
Смяна на биалетки преден мост
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Винетка 2017
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Гражданска отговорност 2017
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Авто каско 2017
Maintenance & Care - Full maintenance service
Пълно обслужване в сервиз в Пловдив.
Maintenance & Care - Tyres
2 бр. зимни гуми Таурус от Гуми Диана
Maintenance & Care - Body
Смяна на предно стъкло (платена по каско)
Maintenance & Care - Tyres
4 бр. летни гуми Таурус 601
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Техн. преглед 2016
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Винетка 2016
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Пълно авто каско 2016
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Гражданска отговорност 2016
Maintenance & Care - Others
Диагностика за грешки на борд. компютъра.
Maintenance & Care - Full maintenance service
Обслужване в Ситроен Бтлгария
Maintenance & Care - Braking pads
Смяна на накладки на предни гуми.
Maintenance & Care - Engine
Монтаж на АГУ (инжекцион)
Initial purchase - Vehicle purchase
Showing 176-200 of 200 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel €1,613.17 15.66%
Initial purchase €1,993.56 19.35%
Maintenance & Care €4,495.22 43.63%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees €2,201.83 21.37%
Distance driven
18,855 km
Total filled up
1,986.67 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Economic 8.94 L/100km 1,492 km 133.37 L
Normal 10.67 L/100km 17,363 km 1,853.30 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 10.38 L/100km 15,788 km 1,638.34 L
Winter 11.36 L/100km 3,067 km 348.33 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 11.07 L/100km 885 km 97.98 L
Urban 12.54 L/100km 1,878 km 235.46 L
Country roads 10.12 L/100km 1,502 km 151.92 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 9.48 L/100km 2,030 km 192.52 L
Distance driven
13,057 km
Total filled up
231.80 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 1.55 L/100km 12,405 km 192.75 L
Dynamic 5.53 L/100km 580 km 32.05 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 1.63 L/100km 9,236 km 150.61 L
Winter 1.98 L/100km 3,749 km 74.19 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 2.02 L/100km 1,080 km 21.84 L
Urban 2.66 L/100km 2,742 km 72.93 L
Country roads 2.95 L/100km 968 km 28.53 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 5.13 L/100km 691 km 35.48 L