Distance driven
63,899 km
Total filled up
3,194.04 L
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Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
ВИНЕТКА до 23:59 на 21/05/2025
Maintenance & Care - Timing belt/chain
натегач ремък по гаранция
Maintenance & Care - Fuel additives
AdBlue - 10.350 x 1,30 лв./л.
Maintenance & Care - Tyres
смяна от зимни на летни гуми
Maintenance & Care - Full maintenance service
ТО - 2
Филтър маслен - 1 бр. - 46,20 лв.
Филтър въздушен - 1 бр. - 48,36 лв.
Филтър климатик - 1 бр. - 58,49 лв.
Спирачна течност - 1 л. - 27,13 лв.
Масло 5W30 C3 - 4,4 л. - 113,67 лв.
Общо : 293,85 лв.
Техническо обслужване: 2.1 часа * 75,00 лв/ч. = 157.50 лв.
СТОЙНОСТ: 451,35 лв.
ДДС 20%: 90,27 лв.
ВСИЧКО: 541,62 лв.
Showing 26-50 of 118 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category | Cost | % of total |
Fuel | €5,041.74 | 72.60% |
Maintenance & Care | €1,796.56 | 25.87% |
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees | €105.91 | 1.53% |
Distance driven
63,899 km
Total filled up
3,194.04 L
Driving Style | Consumption | Distance | Quantity |
Normal | 5.00 L/100km | 63,899 km | 3,194.04 L |
Tyres | Consumption | Distance | Quantity |
Summer | 4.91 L/100km | 41,649 km | 2,045.57 L |
Winter | 5.16 L/100km | 22,250 km | 1,148.48 L |
Routes | Consumption | Distance | Quantity |
Motorway | 4.98 L/100km | 21,753 km | 1,082.73 L |
Urban | 5.03 L/100km | 6,882 km | 346.36 L |
Country roads | 4.95 L/100km | 8,454 km | 418.67 L |
Extras | Consumption | Distance | Quantity |
Air conditioner | 4.79 L/100km | 7,461 km | 357.55 L |