Distance driven
102,728 km
Total filled up
6,708.49 L

5.99  L/100km
40.00 L
668 km
5.85  L/100km
37.00 L
632 km
6.04  L/100km
51.50 L
853 km
6.34  L/100km
21.00 L
331 km
6.81  L/100km
40.00 L
587 km
7.52  L/100km
46.00 L
612 km
2.66  L/100km
39.00 L
182 km
7.65  L/100km
21.33 L
725 km
6.48  L/100km
52.64 L
812 km
5.42  L/100km
52.30 L
128 km
6.69  L/100km
10.54 L
835 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Műszaki vizsga
6.43  L/100km
32.30 L
502 km
6.59  L/100km
51.27 L
778 km
Maintenance & Care - Filters
Maintenance & Care - Oils
Maintenance & Care - Adjustments
8.56  L/100km
38.00 L
444 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Taxes
6.07  L/100km
40.57 L
281 km
6.66  L/100km
33.71 L
498 km
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Road taxes
Csongrád-Csanád megyei matrica
8.00  L/100km
34.00 L
306 km
23.00 L
Showing 176-200 of 200 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel €11,194.35 86.31%
Maintenance & Care €678.72 5.23%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees €1,096.57 8.45%
Distance driven
102,728 km
Total filled up
6,708.49 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 6.53 L/100km 102,728 km 6,708.49 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 6.51 L/100km 89,162 km 5,802.15 L
Winter 6.68 L/100km 13,566 km 906.34 L