Distance driven
43,002 km
Total filled up
3,615.63 L
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Maintenance & Care - Filters
Покупка - Горивен филтър Mann Filter WK 842/21x (45,69лв.) , Филтър Купе с активен въглен Denso DCF054K (26лв.), Въздушен филтър Man Filter C27192/1 (23,92лв.), Маслен филтър Purflux L267D (16,30лв.)
Maintenance & Care - Engine
Покупка шестограм 77мм - 03G115281F
Maintenance & Care - Electronics
Ремонт брава на задна дясна врата - смяна с оригинална втора употреба!
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Maintenance & Care - Tire change
Монтирани Kormoran Snow 215x55x16 XL
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Maintenance & Care - Filters
Смяна - Горивен филтър Mann Filter WK 842/21x, Филтър Купе с активен въглен Denso DCF054K, Въздушен филтър Man Filter C27192/1
Showing 1-25 of 192 items.
Fuel cost per km
Total cost per km
Total cost
Category | Cost | % of total |
Fuel | €5,063.58 | 36.75% |
Initial purchase | €5,270.66 | 38.25% |
Maintenance & Care | €2,131.03 | 15.47% |
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees | €1,313.40 | 9.53% |
Distance driven
43,002 km
Total filled up
3,615.63 L
Driving Style | Consumption | Distance | Quantity |
Normal | 8.41 L/100km | 43,002 km | 3,615.63 L |
Tyres | Consumption | Distance | Quantity |
Summer | 8.22 L/100km | 26,900 km | 2,210.71 L |
Winter | 8.73 L/100km | 16,102 km | 1,404.92 L |
Routes | Consumption | Distance | Quantity |
Motorway | 7.53 L/100km | 1,009 km | 76.00 L |
Urban | 8.60 L/100km | 29,300 km | 2,519.20 L |
Country roads | 7.98 L/100km | 11,247 km | 897.28 L |