Distance driven
111,053 mi
Total filled up

48.13  US MPG
738 mi
Benita + Eko diesel no adds. One-two persons little luggage. Avg. hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Avg. temps.
45.43  US MPG
920 mi
Benita diesel no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. Above avg. temps. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Strong headwinds for 500 km.
45.52  US MPG
644 mi
Benita diesel no adds. One -two persons and lugagge. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Little to no hypermiling. Strong headwinds for 400 km.
48.43  US MPG
638 mi
Benita diesel no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. Average to high hypermiling. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Avg. temps Tailwind last 400 km.
47.86  US MPG
680 mi
Saksa Sofia diesel + 5l Lukoil Ahtopol no adds. One-two persons and little luggage mainly. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Avg. temps. little to avg. hypermiling. Second tank on Ravenol FDS
46.35  US MPG
600 mi
Benita diesel no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. A/C half time. Little hypermiling. Above avg.temps. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. First full tank on Ravenol FDS 5W30
48.00  US MPG
994 mi
Benita, Cruise diesel no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. Low to average hypermiling. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Above avg. temps. Last tank on Formula F 5w30 oil.
43.74  US MPG
856 mi
Cruise and Benita diesel no adds. One-two persons and little lugagge. A/C half time. Strong headwinds for 300 km. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. 400 km. fast driving.
44.07  US MPG
523 mi
Cruise diesel no adds. Two persons and luggage. A/C on full time. Little hypermiling. 70/30 suburban/urban driving. Above avg. temps
44.71  US MPG
1,707 mi
Cruise and Benita diesel + one Bardahl 6in1 additive. One to three persons with lots of luggage. A/C most of time. Extreme hot. Urban/suburban 15/85. at 236500 EGR and turbo were cleaned.
48.41  US MPG
1,265 mi
Benita, Rompetrol, Lukoil diesel no adds. Average hypermiling except 220 km. fast driving. Mainly suburban, highway and little urban drving 90/10. A/C on 1/4 time. One-two persons and luggage.
49.20  US MPG
814 mi
Benita diesel + Rompetrol Veliko Tarnovo no adds. One-two persons and little luggage. Average to high hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. 40 min. stuck in a jam.
51.83  US MPG
459 mi
Cruise diesel no adds. One person and little luggage. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Avg.hypermiling. Heavy rain 200 km.
48.03  US MPG
637 mi
Benita Varna diesel with Bardahl BDC added by station. No additional adds. One person and a little luggage. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Average hypermiling. Average head and cross winds.
46.04  US MPG
679 mi
Benita Varna diesel (Bardahl BDC added by petrol station) no additional adds. Two persons and luggage. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. Low hypermiling.
46.05  US MPG
944 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One to three persons and luggage. Little hypermiling. Rain and headwinds for 300 km. 85/15 suburban/urban driving.
45.09  US MPG
843 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Benita diesel, no adds. One-two persons and luggage. Little to no hypermiling. 75/25 suburban/urban driving.Changed tyres to summer Dunlop Sport Maxx RT2 225/45/17
46.95  US MPG
835 mi
48.11  US MPG
1,189 mi
Rompetrol diesel Varna - Sofia, Cruise Chepelare + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and luggage. Low to avg. hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Low temps.
42.81  US MPG
877 mi
Rompetrol diesel+ Bardahl BDC add. One-two-three persons and little luggae. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Low hypermiling. Oil and air filter change at 221 800 km.
39.94  US MPG
547 mi
Ecto Diesel + OMV Maxx motion no BDC add. One person and little luggage. Low temps, 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Mainly highway. Little to no hypermiling.
37.50  US MPG
717 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC add. No hypermiling, very cold weather, short trips, idle work. One-two persons and luggage. 80/20 suburban/urban.
42.25  US MPG
667 mi
Rompetrol diesel + BDC add. One two persons and luggage. Little to no hypermiling. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Low temps, shorter trips.
46.96  US MPG
695 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and little lugagge. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Little to avg. hypermiling. Normal temps.
42.15  US MPG
828 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and luggage. Strong headwinds for 300 km. up to 100 km/h. 200 km. fast driving. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. 300 km. average to high hypermiling. Low temps.
Showing 26-50 of 154 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel $11,808.00 100.00%
Distance driven
111,053 mi
Total filled up
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Economic 49.17 US MPG 10,611 mi 215.81 US gal.
Normal 45.19 US MPG 91,574 mi 2,026.62 US gal.
Dynamic 42.38 US MPG 8,869 mi 209.29 US gal.
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 46.06 US MPG 72,189 mi 1,567.12 US gal.
Winter 43.94 US MPG 38,353 mi 872.94 US gal.
All-season 43.88 US MPG 511 mi 11.66 US gal.
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 45.30 US MPG 37,013 mi 817.00 US gal.
Urban 45.30 US MPG 36,507 mi 805.95 US gal.
Country roads 45.30 US MPG 37,013 mi 817.00 US gal.