Distance driven
111,053 mi
Total filled up
9,280.74 L

49.40  UK MPG
36.54 L
397 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC. Little to no hypermiling. One person and luggage. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. low temps.
52.05  UK MPG
43.58 L
499 mi
Eko Varna + Bardahl BDC add. Winter tyres, one person and luggage. low temps. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Short trips.
50.28  UK MPG
37.36 L
413 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC. Heavy snow driving on 1st and 2nd gear about 20 km. Heavy rain driving the rest of the trip. One person and luggage. 70/30 suburban/urban driving. Lower temps.
49.91  UK MPG
56.20 L
617 mi
Rompetrol + Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Lot of highway, two people and a baggage. Little hypermiling. High temps. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. Changed belts, water pump and other things.
50.74  UK MPG
47.93 L
535 mi
Rompetrol diesel Sofia station + Bardahl BDC add. Two person and lugagge. No hypermiling. 85/15 suburban/urban driving. 250 km. rain driving.
56.85  UK MPG
74.39 L
930 mi
Rompetrol + Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Low to avg. hypermiling. One-two persons and luggage. 60/40 suburban/urban driving (Varna, Sofia). A/C 300 km.
62.61  UK MPG
44.98 L
620 mi
Rompetrol diesel + Bardahl BDC. One person and luggage. Avg. to high hypermiling. No A/C. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Tyres at 2.4 bar. Best tank so far!
57.70  UK MPG
43.03 L
546 mi
Rompetrol diesel + bardahl BDC add. One-two people and luggage. Low hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. 30% A/C on
59.19  UK MPG
43.24 L
563 mi
Eko diesel - Varna station + Bardahl BDC add. One-two persons and luggage. Avg. hypermiling, with avg. speeds. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Average temps.
59.53  UK MPG
50.82 L
665 mi
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC. Mapped on 14/08/2015 at OEM Motorsport. Half tank since then. Avg. hypermiling. One person and a lugagge. High temps for 500 km. and rain driving for 300 km. Urban/suburban 15/85.
59.70  UK MPG
47.84 L
628 mi
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. One-two people and little luggage. AC half time. Average hypermiling. 80/20 suburban/urban driving. High temps.
61.42  UK MPG
42.59 L
575 mi
Eko diesel Bardahl BDC add. one person and luggage. Avg. hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. High temps
48.23  UK MPG
44.69 L
474 mi
Eko Avio Premium Diesel. No adds. 400 km. highway driving with A/C. 300 km urban driving. One-two persons and luggage. High temps. Little to no hypermiling.
53.03  UK MPG
40.54 L
473 mi
Eko diesel Trakia Highway no adds. Two persons and luggage. A/C half time. Lots of mountine driving. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. Little to no hypermiling.
54.47  UK MPG
48.02 L
575 mi
Eko diesel no adds. One-two persons and luggage. A/C on half time. Lots of highway driving. Little to no hypermiling. 90/10 suburban/urban driving.
55.46  UK MPG
47.32 L
577 mi
Eko diesel no adds. One- two people and little luggage.90/10 subutban/urban dtibing. 400 km.fast driving, 400 avh.to high hypermiling. A/C half time
47.39  UK MPG
60.92 L
635 mi
Eko disesel V.Tarnovo station. No adds. Three people and luggage. No hypermiling. Fast speeds. 90/10 suburban/urban driving. 300 km. rain driving.
55.43  UK MPG
47.04 L
574 mi
Eko disesel no adds. Two-three people and luggage. Urban/suburban 20/80. Fast driving, no hypermiling. Above avg. temps.
62.30  UK MPG
48.56 L
665 mi
Eko diesel no additive. Average to high hypermiling. Low speeds. 90/10 sub urban/urban driving. One person and little luggage. Above avg. temps.
53.53  UK MPG
47.86 L
564 mi
Eko diesel V.Tarnovo station + little Bardahl BDC add. One to three people and luggage. 90/10 sub urban/urban driving. Little to avg. hypermiling first half of the tank. No hypermiling second half.
54.96  UK MPG
42.40 L
513 mi
Eko diesel no add. One-three persons and luggage.Avg.to little hypermiling. Spirited driving for 50 km. Sub urban/urban 85/15.
52.69  UK MPG
44.12 L
511 mi
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Little to no hypermiling. One-two persons and luggage. 85/15 sub urban/urban driving. Changed to summer tyres at half stint. New shocks installed.
55.03  UK MPG
43.17 L
523 mi
Eko diesel, no additive. Little to no hypermiling. One-to three people and luggage. 70/30 sub urban/urban driving. Changed shock absorbers to Bilstein B8. Relatevely low temps.
51.01  UK MPG
61.74 L
693 mi
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Little hypermiling faster speeds, four people and full trunk of luggage. 90/10 suburban/urban driving.
48.52  UK MPG
44.89 L
479 mi
Eko diesel + Bardahl BDC add. Little hypermiling lots of short trips. Cold weather. 50/50 urban/suburban driving. One to three people and luggage.
Showing 76-100 of 154 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £8,881.31 100.00%
Distance driven
111,053 mi
Total filled up
9,280.74 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Economic 59.05 UK MPG 10,611 mi 816.92 L
Normal 54.27 UK MPG 91,574 mi 7,671.59 L
Dynamic 50.89 UK MPG 8,869 mi 792.23 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 55.32 UK MPG 72,189 mi 5,932.18 L
Winter 52.76 UK MPG 38,353 mi 3,304.44 L
All-season 52.69 UK MPG 511 mi 44.12 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 54.41 UK MPG 37,013 mi 3,092.70 L
Urban 54.40 UK MPG 36,507 mi 3,050.85 L
Country roads 54.41 UK MPG 37,013 mi 3,092.70 L