Distance driven
32,754 mi
Total filled up
4,380.58 L

242.13  UK MPG
7.49 L
399 mi
37.17  UK MPG
47.58 L
389 mi
Maintenance & Care - Accessories
Maintenance & Care - Oils
Хидравлично масло 1л
36.47  UK MPG
50.34 L
404 mi
39.99  UK MPG
52.63 L
463 mi
35.78  UK MPG
52.42 L
413 mi
33.09  UK MPG
50.79 L
370 mi
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Чистачки два броя
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Крушка стоп
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
33.17  UK MPG
55.36 L
404 mi
36.54  UK MPG
45.38 L
365 mi
34.64  UK MPG
55.20 L
421 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Vehicle inspection
Maintenance & Care - Tyres
Смяна на гуми две предни
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
38.65  UK MPG
48.67 L
414 mi
39.16  UK MPG
54.60 L
470 mi
41.51  UK MPG
51.25 L
468 mi
36.62  UK MPG
54.00 L
435 mi
30.25  UK MPG
48.00 L
319 mi
Maintenance & Care - Service parts
Стъргалка и зимна течност
32.98  UK MPG
46.00 L
334 mi
Maintenance & Care - Oils
При Ико, маслен филтър - 12лв, възд. филтър - 23лв, филтър купе - 30лв, масло - 75лв и труд - 30лв ---общо - 170лв
Showing 1-25 of 163 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £4,710.86 46.86%
Initial purchase £2,514.29 25.01%
Maintenance & Care £2,722.67 27.08%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £105.26 1.05%
Distance driven
32,754 mi
Total filled up
4,380.58 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Urban 33.23 UK MPG 1,074 mi 146.99 L