Distance driven
21,667 mi
Total filled up
2,761.19 L

36.02  UK MPG
65.25 L
517 mi
Maintenance & Care - Brakes
Смяна на спирачна течност, стандартна инспекция (труд)
Maintenance & Care - Parts
83132184843 Спирачна течност/тех/+
39.68  UK MPG
49.98 L
436 mi
36.84  UK MPG
53.75 L
436 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Leasing
43.58  UK MPG
55.22 L
529 mi
36.49  UK MPG
58.52 L
470 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Leasing
Unicredit Leasing (31/48)
35.90  UK MPG
52.88 L
418 mi
31.93  UK MPG
38.04 L
267 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Автокаско Армеец (3/4)
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Leasing
Unicredit Leasing (30/48)
36.27  UK MPG
65.81 L
525 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Leasing
Unicredit Leasing (29/48)
44.54  UK MPG
68.37 L
670 mi
42.44  UK MPG
55.85 L
521 mi
34.02  UK MPG
55.21 L
413 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Leasing
Unicredit Leasing (28/48)
33.86  UK MPG
56.82 L
423 mi
Maintenance & Care - Tire change
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Автокаско - Армеец (2/4)
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Taxes
Данък МПС 2024
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Leasing
Unicredit Leasing (27/48)
31.69  UK MPG
42.52 L
296 mi
Showing 1-25 of 132 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £3,842.88 10.47%
Initial purchase £11,139.60 30.34%
Maintenance & Care £4,139.35 11.27%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £17,599.01 47.93%
Distance driven
21,667 mi
Total filled up
2,761.19 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 35.67 UK MPG 21,667 mi 2,761.19 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 36.64 UK MPG 13,921 mi 1,727.48 L
Winter 34.07 UK MPG 7,746 mi 1,033.71 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 37.70 UK MPG 4,229 mi 509.90 L
Urban 34.58 UK MPG 14,082 mi 1,851.32 L
Country roads 38.15 UK MPG 3,357 mi 399.97 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Air conditioner 35.67 UK MPG 21,667 mi 2,761.19 L