Distance driven
51,261 mi
Total filled up
8,874.19 L

24.82  UK MPG
75.00 L
409 mi
Double Filtered Diesel
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
Външно и вътрешно почистване
25.35  UK MPG
77.01 L
429 mi
Shell V Power Diesel
27.10  UK MPG
59.01 L
104 mi
Shell V Power Diesel
48.66  UK MPG
40.00 L
428 mi
Shell V Power Diesel
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
външно и вътрешно почистване
25.09  UK MPG
40.00 L
143 mi
Shell V Power Diesel
19.83  UK MPG
20.00 L
326 mi
OMV MaxMotion Diesel
20.18  UK MPG
25.34 L
116 mi
OMV MaxMotion Diesel
18.56  UK MPG
83.07 L
34 mi
OMV MaxMotion Diesel
24.12  UK MPG
5.00 L
401 mi
Diesel super+
19.60  UK MPG
13.00 L
74 mi
OMV Spring Diesel
26.84  UK MPG
80.06 L
159 mi
Petrol premium Diesel
20.53  UK MPG
30.00 L
375 mi
26.98  UK MPG
77.78 L
462 mi
Shell V Power
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
Външно измиване
27.49  UK MPG
74.82 L
452 mi
V Power Diesel
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
23.59  UK MPG
79.86 L
414 mi
V Power Diesel
26.68  UK MPG
78.15 L
459 mi
V Power Diesel
Maintenance & Care - Car wash
Външно и вътрешно почистване
26.51  UK MPG
73.00 L
426 mi
V Power Diesel
29.97  UK MPG
73.71 L
486 mi
V Power Diesel
Maintenance & Care - Full maintenance service
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Maintenance & Care - Others
Измиване на гуми + хотел гуми
Showing 101-125 of 197 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £12,242.81 47.94%
Initial purchase £171.81 0.67%
Maintenance & Care £3,534.96 13.84%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £9,587.18 37.54%
Distance driven
51,261 mi
Total filled up
8,874.19 L
Driving Style Consumption Distance Quantity
Normal 26.26 UK MPG 51,261 mi 8,874.19 L
Tyres Consumption Distance Quantity
Summer 26.40 UK MPG 32,556 mi 5,606.33 L
Winter 26.02 UK MPG 18,705 mi 3,267.86 L
Routes Consumption Distance Quantity
Motorway 26.16 UK MPG 5,517 mi 958.77 L
Urban 26.49 UK MPG 117 mi 20.15 L
Country roads 25.97 UK MPG 455 mi 79.62 L
Extras Consumption Distance Quantity
Roof storage 25.26 UK MPG 1,570 mi 282.56 L