Distance driven
30,852 mi
Total filled up
3,652.88 L

49.23 L
Some fuelings were missed
37.49  UK MPG
20.72 L
171 mi
48.21 L
Some fuelings were missed
42.91 L
Some fuelings were missed
53.35 L
Some fuelings were missed
Maintenance & Care - Others
масло + филтри - маслен, въздушен, поленов + задни амортисьори
35.44 L
680 mi
Some fuelings were missed
41.64  UK MPG
44.03 L
403 mi
53.27 L
Some fuelings were missed
37.12  UK MPG
53.12 L
434 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Others
заверка пожарогасител
33.63  UK MPG
47.21 L
349 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Taxes
данък 2023
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
СБА Златна карта
Maintenance & Care - Others
почистване на купето
36.07  UK MPG
46.44 L
368 mi
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees - Insurances
Гражданска отговорност 2023-2024
38.86  UK MPG
52.78 L
451 mi
35.90  UK MPG
56.57 L
447 mi
Maintenance & Care - Others
Смяна на гуми
38.58  UK MPG
50.16 L
426 mi
39.43  UK MPG
50.15 L
435 mi
Maintenance & Care - Others
масло Bardahl 5W30 + десен преден шарнир + филтри - въздушен, маслен, поленов
46.00 L
Some fuelings were missed
37.14  UK MPG
38.11 L
311 mi
Showing 26-50 of 138 items.
Fuel cost per mi
Total cost per mi
Total cost
Category Cost % of total
Fuel £4,245.71 35.93%
Initial purchase £3,927.63 33.24%
Maintenance & Care £2,257.84 19.11%
Insurances, Taxes & Other fees £1,385.64 11.73%
Distance driven
30,852 mi
Total filled up
3,652.88 L